Put some Spring in your step with The Breeze Walking Festival 2016.
With a wide variety of walks in the beautiful regions of Christchurch, Waimakariri and Selwyn, it’s something not to be missed! Over 50 free walks for all terrains, ages, and interests over 16 days from Saturday 24 September to Sunday 09 October 2016.
Take in an amazing sunrise with the Dunes at Dawn walk on Saturday 1 October at 6.30am along the top of the sand dunes.
Or bring your little ones to join Mouse to explore the deep dark woods on Wednesday 28 September to meet friends like Snake, Fox, Owl, and the Gruffalo! The Gruffalo Explorer walk starts anytime between 9.30 to 10.30am, starting at Bottle Lake Forest Information Centre, 1.7 or 2.5km walk options.
Or join Perky Pukeko and friends to shake your tail feather as you skip, walk, hop and stomp your way around the Travis Wetland. Enjoy storytelling and some tasty fruit at the half way point. A perfect outing for babies in buggies, young walkers and their families. 2.5 or 4km loop walk option.
The 2016 Breeze Walking Festival is a chance to discover new places, learn more about old haunts, try fun activities and above all to enjoy fresh air, spring sunshine and good company. Download the 2016 Walking Festival Programme booklet today or pick one up from your nearest Library or Recreation and Sports Centre.
For further information visit their facebook page or click here for the website.